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EPAS has improved but is “still a pig with lipstick”: AMA survey

10 August 2017
 | 1 comment
By Kate McDonald

A senior ICU specialist at Adelaide's Repatriation General Hospital has rejected claims that South Australia's Enterprise Patient Administration System (EPAS) is dangerous following the release of an AMA survey of doctors' views on the system, which showed there are still concerns over its interface and the time it takes away from patient care.

Some users also have significant concerns over its safety, with the AMA's South Australian branch president William Tam saying doctors had reported many near-misses and that it could potentially be dangerous when it is introduced to the new Royal Adelaide Hospital (nRAH), which opens after much delay next month.

However, Repat General intensive care specialist and chair of the EPAS clinical advisory committee Santosh Verghese said the system had been used at his hospital and others, including the most recent roll-out at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), and there was no evidence for the danger claim.

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