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19 September 2017

eHealth NSW goes live with eMeds at RPA

The largest implementation so far of eHealth NSW's massive electronic medications management program has gone live at Royal Prince Alfred…
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7 September 2017

Sunquest building prototype for $50m+ Queensland pathology system

US software vendor Sunquest has been named as the preferred supplier to replace the 30-year-old Auslab laboratory information system used…
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29 August 2017

DoseMe FHIRs up with Cerner for precision dosing in Millennium

Queensland-based precision dosing software developer DoseMe has partnered with EMR giant Cerner to integrate its DoseMeRx real-time precision dosing software…
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7 August 2017

ieMR anaesthesia solution a “resounding success”: Queensland Health

Queensland Health has defended the functionality of the anaesthesia solution it plans to roll out as part of its digital…
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3 August 2017

Queensland anaesthetists AARK up over move to MARS

Some of the most senior anaesthetists in Queensland are set to go public with serious concerns about the roll-out of…
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20 June 2017

Massive spend on new and redeveloped hospitals in NSW budget

The NSW government will spend $7.7 billion over the next four years on new hospitals and hospital redevelopments, including $720…
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19 June 2017

eHealth NSW secures $536m over eight years for digital health ‘revolution’

eHealth NSW has secured extra funding totalling $536 million over the next eight years for a swathe of digital health…
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13 June 2017

Extra $56.7m for continued roll-out of ieMR in Queensland

The Queensland government has allocated an extra $56.7 million over two years in today's state budget to continue the roll-out…
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2 June 2017

Big week for health IT bigwigs

It was a big week for Australian Digital Health Agency CEO Tim Kelsey, who in addition to being able to…
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1 June 2017

NSW’s 10-year strategy on track as Australia’s largest hospital goes Paper-lite

Sydney's 1000-bed Westmead Hospital has successfully completed the roll-out of the 'Paper-lite' project, implementing the Cerner electronic medical record known…
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