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20 December 2013
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The eHealth year in review: part 4

The result of the September federal election was never really in doubt, but you couldn’t say the same for the…
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25 November 2013
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ACRRM advocates secure messaging over PCEHR

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has recommended that the federal government widen the focus on electronic…
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21 January 2013
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Online referral system closes the gap for specialists and GPs

A new online referral service has been launched allowing GPs to easily refer patients to the most appropriate specialist while…
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3 July 2012
 min read

Skinner outlines four-year plan for NSW eHealth

NSW is planning to introduce a uniform email system for all NSW Health staff, along with a range of new…
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27 September 2011
 min read

eHealth’s search for meaning – is it a rainbow journey?

All health services face the challenge of the Commonwealth Government’s health reforms, its eHealth strategy and the pivotal Personally Controlled…
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