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14 August 2007

Interview: Intrahealth

Pulse+IT: What products does Intrahealth make available to GPs and Specialists? Intrahealth has developed and markets a General Practice and…
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14 August 2007

What Is HL7?

Background Just as people from different countries with completely different native tongues are only able to communicate with each other…
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14 August 2007

The Unique Healthcare Identification Services

Drivers For Change Community expectations about the delivery of healthcare in Australia are increasing with technological advances, economic pressures and…
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14 August 2007

$$ – Easyclaim System Not Easy For Practices

The AMA has been reported as saying there would be no losers with the Government’s latest online claims system, Medicare…
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14 August 2007

Pulse+IT: 2007.3

Welcome to the fifth edition of Pulse+IT, Australia’s first and only health IT magazine. This edition marks the end of…
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27 May 2007

Getting Organised: What To Do With Your Photos

This fourth and last article in the series about digital photography for busy doctors describes how one can use and…
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