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5 June 2012

PCEHR to save $11.5 billion over 15 years: Deloitte

The Department of Health and Ageing has released a summary of economic modelling undertaken by Deloitte in 2010-2011 into the…
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31 May 2012

PCEHR safety and liability: who takes the rap?

The issue of potential liability for misadventure due to errors in the PCEHR is still being worked out with doctors’…
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31 May 2012

September the month for PCEHR-enabled GP software

The federal government is expecting the roll out of GP desktop software with the capability to upload shared health summaries…
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31 May 2012

PCEHR awareness low, support high

A survey of consumer and healthcare provider attitudes towards the PCEHR has found that while the majority of respondents support…
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31 May 2012

Kaiser Permanente puts mobile health first

Consumers are now accessing personal information through mobile devices in such numbers that US health insurer Kaiser Permanente is now…
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30 May 2012

Patient and safety advocates a highlight at HIC2012

US-based patient advocate Regina Holliday will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Health Informatics Conference (HIC), being held in…
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