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Personalised My Mental Health Plan resource launched

15 May 2024
By Dawn O'Shea
Image: iStock

An interactive tool that aims to support mental health literacy by improving knowledge and understanding of common mental health problems as well as encouraging self-care is now available.

The My Mental Health Plan personalised online mental health resource provides users with multiple choice questions on four specific issues – anxiety, stress, sleep and low mood. Based on individual responses, users are directed to personalised advice and self-help tools.

Developed by HSE and available at, the resource is able to create an individualised plan based on the responses, including advice on challenging unhelpful thoughts, setting goals and asking for help.

Advice may include breathing and mindfulness exercises but it also directs users to free apps, such as Clear Fear and Mindshift, which incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy techniques.

Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler, told the official launch of the resource recently that one of her primary focuses was to ensure that people can access the support they need when they need it.

“I would like to commend the HSE for their huge efforts in completing this project and making this digital mental health tool available to the entire population on,” Ms Butler said.

“In allocating funding, I am committed to supports that can make a real and tangible difference to the mental health and wellbeing of the people of Ireland.

“We have made great progress in recent years in the provision of digital mental health services, and we will continue to progress this through the development of a specific digital mental health strategy to support people to access services and supports.”

Later this year, a new youth mental health app will also be launched in conjunction with the HSE and youth information website Spunout.

This app will aim to help young people access quality, trusted information on mental health and offer signposting to the most relevant services to meet their needs in an approachable way.

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