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Pulse+IT Blog

Pulse+IT Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse with the latest from the Pulse+IT blog

23 August 2024 |

Blog: Ambient AI and re-humanising the exam room

The topic of AI medical scribes was still in the news this week following our blog from last week, in…
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16 August 2024 |

Blog: OpenNotes, patient portals and AI-generated patient summaries

Pulse+IT has been charting the implementation and adoption of the Epic electronic medical record in Australia for many years, pioneered…
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9 August 2024 |

Blog: On FHIR with AI at HIC 2024

If there was still any lingering doubt that generative AI had not made a firm imprint on healthcare in Australia…
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2 August 2024 |

Blog: Sparks, catalysts and coalitions of the willing on the path to interoperability

The fabulously nicknamed coalition of the willing, better known as the Council for Connected Care or Triple CCC, released its…
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26 July 2024 |

Blog: Sharing by default versus duty to share

Australia’s plans for the modernisation of My Health Record and a national health information exchange was again the hot topic…
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19 July 2024 |

Blog: Hello HIE but goodbye Mr HIPS

It was a red letter day for digital health in Australia on Monday when a great big load of personages…
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12 July 2024 |

Blog: It’s crunch time for My Health Record

This coming Monday in Canberra, the Australian Digital Health Agency is holding an information session on progress on the modernisation…
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5 July 2024 |

Blog: Fake patients, aged care action and plan fatigue

You could be forgiven for thinking there is a new plague is doing the rounds this week, as yet more…
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28 June 2024 |

Blog: CRMs and the patient as a customer

We had two really interesting stories to bring you this week from Queensland, where two very large metropolitan health services…
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21 June 2024 |

Blog: All hands opening the digital front door

The top story this week in health IT news in Australia was the New South Wales budget handed down on…
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