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New Zealand Digital Health

New Zealand Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from New Zealand’s digital health community.

29 October 2020 |

Going live during lockdown: MercyAscot’s experience

Auckland's MercyAscot private hospital group is now live with its new patient administration system from InterSystems, having gone ahead with…
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27 October 2020 |

Canterbury credits cloud transformation for COVID resilience

Canterbury District Health Board's adoption of a hybrid cloud infrastructure has enabled it to roll out a number of applications…
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22 October 2020 |

Data-led research study launched into disability services in NZ

Research group Precision Driven Health (PDH) has partnered with disability services and support organisation Manawanui and analytics consultancy Nicholson Consulting…
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13 October 2020 |

Nexus rolling out Cemplicity platform for patient experiences program

Australian day hospital operator Nexus is working with Auckland-headquartered patient reporting software company Cemplicity to roll out patient reported experience…
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29 September 2020 |

Vitro adds voice enablement to digital medical record

Vitro Software has added advanced voice recognition capabilities to its digital medical record (DMR), allowing clinicians to navigate through the…
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23 September 2020 |

Wellington trialling anonymised sexual health contact tracing service

The Wellington Sexual Health service is running a NZ-first trial of the SXT Health service platform for quick contact tracing…
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22 September 2020 |

New Zealand sets out its roadmap to interoperability

New Zealand's Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) has set out a detailed roadmap to take the health and disability system…
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17 September 2020 |

South Island live with regional advance care planning progress notes

Healthcare professionals will be able to record advance care planning (ACP) progress notes within the South Island's HealthOne and Health…
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10 September 2020 |

ePharmacy goes live throughout the South Island

All five district health boards in New Zealand's South Island are now live with the ePharmacy electronic pharmacy management solution,…
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8 September 2020 |

Orion Health integrates Enterprise with Quippe for EMRAM pathway

Orion Health has released an updated version of its Enterprise hospital information system, featuring the ability to integrate with the…
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