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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

5 December 2022 |

Corum and Z Software plump for MediSecure as preferred prescription delivery service

Pharmacy dispensing system vendors Corum Group and Z Software have chosen MediSecure as their preferred prescription delivery service (PDS). They…
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1 December 2022 |

‘Final’ data dump from Medibank hack released

The hackers that stole a huge cache of personal data from Medibank in October have released what they say is…
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30 November 2022 |

Victoria to roll out statewide mental health and wellbeing CMS

The Victorian Department of Health is on the market for a mental health and wellbeing client management system (MHWCMS) that…
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30 November 2022 |

Check in CBR app now switched off

ACT Health’s Check in CBR app has been switched off following almost two years of use supporting businesses and the…
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29 November 2022 |

Wavelink adds Scandit barcode scanning platform to mobile portfolio

Wavelink has signed a distribution agreement with Swiss data capture company Scandit for its data smartphone-based data capture technology, which…
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24 November 2022 |

NSW Health SDPR: “Funding secured” for delivery of game-changing EMR program

Funding for the delivery of NSW Health’s massive Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR) program has been secured, eHealth NSW says.…
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24 November 2022 |

Barossa Hills Fleurieu rolls out digital pathways for elective surgery patients

The surgical services team from South Australia’s Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network (BHFLHN) has implemented new digital pathways for…
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24 November 2022 |

Smarter hospitals: funding for change management practices in virtual care

Health Infrastructure NSW and the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University have received funding for the Smarter Hospitals…
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23 November 2022 |

NSW Health SDPR: all pathology systems to be replaced with Epic

NSW Health has confirmed that the various laboratory information systems used by NSW Health Pathology are set to be replaced…
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22 November 2022 |

NSW Health chooses Epic for statewide single digital patient record

NSW Health has chosen US EMR vendor Epic for its massive Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR) project, which will unify…
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