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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

14 July 2010 |

IHE releases Connectathon results, prepares for conference Showcases

IHE Australia has released the official results from its “Connectathon”, which was held over the course of a week in…
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14 July 2010 |

HISA prepares for 18th Health Informatics Conference

The Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) is preparing for the peak group’s Health Informatics Conference 2010 (HIC2010), which will…
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14 July 2010 |

Health-e-Nation conference coming to Sydney in September

In 2010 the pressing need for Health reform unites the world. Australia is one of many countries seriously considering alternatives…
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14 July 2010 |

Spellex releases Australian Medical and Pharmaceutical spelling software

The US-based Spellex Corporation has announced an Australian version of their medical and pharmaceutical spelling software, which integrates with products…
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14 July 2010 |

DCA acquires ArgusConnect

Database Consultants Australia (DCA) has entered into an agreement to acquire ArgusConnect, the developer of the Argus suite of secure…
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15 May 2010 |

GS1 and Deakin University partner on iPhone App for allergy sufferers

Barcode administrator GS1 Australia has teamed up with Deakin University and Nestlé to develop an iPhone application that will shortly…
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30 April 2010 |

ArgusConnect commences rollout of version 5 secure messaging

ArgusConnect, developer of the Argus suite of secure clinical messaging products has begun deploying an updated version of its software.…
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30 April 2010 |

iCare and QPS partner to coordinate aged care data

Software provider iCare revealed in late March a new tie-up with QPS Benchmarking that would allow benchmarking data to be…
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30 April 2010 |

Mobile focus for mental health charity

Mental health charity SANE Australia has embraced the burgeoning mobile phone platform, launching a mobile version of its website designed…
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30 April 2010 |

Information Technology Aged Care conference coming to Melbourne

The fourth Annual Information Technology in Aged Care (ITAC) conference will be held on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 July…
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