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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

14 May 2012 |

Free seminars on NPC and eProcurement

GS1 Australia and the National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) are hosting seminars in Melbourne and Sydney next week to introduce…
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14 May 2012 |

HCN training sessions for NSW

Health Communication Network (HCN) is holding a series of training sessions for users of Medical Director 3, PracSoft and Blue…
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14 May 2012 |

Government begins consumer eHealth push

The federal government has launched a new website aimed at educating consumers about the eHealth records system prior to the…
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10 May 2012 |

Work to begin on pharmacy and pathology specs for PCEHR

The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) has issued a call for expressions of interest from community pharmacy software vendors to…
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9 May 2012 |

PIP for PCEHR “not a requirement but a threat”: AMA

The Australian Medical Association has attacked the federal government’s plans to reduce spending on the Practice Incentive Program (PIP), including…
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9 May 2012 |

One-off telehealth payments to end in 2014

The federal government will cease funding for its range of telehealth initiatives earlier than expected to encourage practitioners to take…
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9 May 2012 |

Government sets target for PCEHR uptake

The federal government has set a target of 500,000 consumers signing up for a PCEHR in the first year of…
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9 May 2012 |

Use it or lose it – PCEHR for PIP

General practices will be required to participate in the PCEHR program or become ineligible for the eHealth Practice Incentive Program…
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8 May 2012 |

Adverse drug reaction reporting goes online

MIMS has introduced new functionality to allow users to report unexpected adverse drug reactions to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)…
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8 May 2012 |

Australia joins Facebook organ donation community

Facebook has added Australia to its list of countries that enable users to designate themselves organ donors as part of…
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