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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

19 June 2014 |

GP co-pay: where is the data?

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) have both hit out at the lack…
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19 June 2014 |

eHealth at the centre of NSW state health plan

The NSW government has released its full state health plan covering the next six years, focused around three directions to…
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18 June 2014 |

PCEHR release 5 planned for late 2014, opt-out a different story

Release five of the PCEHR, which is intended to include a new section to display pathology and diagnostic imaging results,…
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17 June 2014 |

Software as a solution to aged care risk management

This story first appeared in the May 2014 issue of Pulse+IT Magazine. Residential aged care faces numerous challenges, not the…
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17 June 2014 |

Work restarts on pathology and diagnostic imaging for PCEHR

The Department of Health has issued invitations to expert groups to take part in workshops next month to finalise the…
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16 June 2014 |

PicSafe Medi adds offline, barcode and notification functions

The team behind the PicSafe Medi patient-consented clinical image capture system has added new functionality to the software, including a…
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16 June 2014 |

HCN signs on as local arm for Map of Medicine

Clinical and practice management software vendor Health Communication Network (HCN) has signed an agreement with UK-based Map of Medicine to…
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16 June 2014 |

HealthEngine releases practice app, aims to double its market

Online appointment booking and directory service HealthEngine has developed a practice-specific appointment booking app and is promoting its practice management…
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12 June 2014 |

PCEHR future, e-Patient Dave and YouTube wunderkind at HIC

A panel session hosted by Q&A’s Tony Jones on investing in eHealth and a workshop on the PCEHR are two…
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12 June 2014 |

Telehealth in community aged care: sustainable models required

This story first appeared in the May 2014 issue of Pulse+IT Magazine. The vast majority of older people want to…
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