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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

5 August 2014 |

Best Practice prepares for next release

Best Practice Software is planning a number of new features for the forthcoming update to its flagship clinical and practice…
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4 August 2014 |

Open for comment: DoH and RACGP surveys on PCEHR

The Department of Health has devised an online survey to help gauge opinion on the implementation of the recommendations of…
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1 August 2014 |

ACRRM and HISA join forces to promote telehealth

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) have agreed to…
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1 August 2014 |

RCPA invites comment on pathology information standardisation

The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) is set to release for public comment a draft document outlining updated…
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31 July 2014 |

Royal Perth begins uploading discharge summaries to PCEHR

Royal Perth Hospital’s Shenton Park campus has become the first WA hospital to begin uploading discharge summaries to the PCEHR,…
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31 July 2014 |

Interactive dashboard to graph PCEHR indicators

The Improvement Foundation has developed a new interactive dashboard and a set of eHealth indicators for its qiConnect portal, which…
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28 July 2014 |

Telstra buys Medinexus as DCA eHealth rebrands

Telstra Health has bought the Sydney-based Medinexus radiology and pathology secure messaging solution, adding to a growing portfolio of eHealth…
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24 July 2014 |

Electronic prescribing shows quality results

It is not often that Victoria’s HealthSmart roll-out receives good news, having been roundly eviscerated in a report by Victorian…
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21 July 2014 |

Workshop on the business of IT for general practice at HIC

Melbourne-based GP Nathan Pinskier will lead a workshop covering the business processes and costs of IT infrastructure in general practice…
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21 July 2014 |

DoH aims for pathology and imaging on PCEHR by December

The Department of Health is aiming to have pathology and diagnostic imaging reports available on the PCEHR by December, but…
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