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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

7 November 2014 |

State by state: clinical portals in the ACT

The ACT’s manager for national eHealth initiatives, Ian Bull, outlined the capital’s progress in developing access portals for both clinicians…
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6 November 2014 |

Tablet computers in healthcare settings: novelty or necessity?

This article first appeared in the November 2014 issue of Pulse+IT Magazine. Australian hospitals are increasingly encouraging the use of…
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6 November 2014 |

State by state: PCEHR and HWAN roll-out for NSW

NSW has been very active in eHealth developments following the launch of the Blueprint for eHealth in NSW in December…
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6 November 2014 |

State by state: radiology reports through Queensland’s Viewer

Queensland has had an added focus on telehealth since the announcement in last year’s state budget that $30.9 million would…
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6 November 2014 |

State by state: AMT-coded prescribing events in Tasmania

ACRRM past president Jeff Ayton provided an update on Tasmania’s progress in eHealth and telehealth at the RMA conference on…
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5 November 2014 |

NEHTA confident it’s a going concern

The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) has set aside cash reserves to cover its liabilities in case it fails to…
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5 November 2014 |

State by state: telehealth growth in rural SA

Country SA Health’s executive director for mental health, Rebecca Graham, outlined the growth in use of telehealth in the state…
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5 November 2014 |

State by state: eHealth at the bush bedside in WA

WA Country Health’s executive director of medical services, Tony Robins, outlined the four core elements of connecting healthcare in the…
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5 November 2014 |

State by state: eHealth and telehealth in the NT

The Northern Territory’s chief clinical information officer, Leonie Katekar, told the Rural Medicine Australia (RMA) conference that the NT was…
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4 November 2014 |

HIPS for private hospitals as states outline eHealth progress

The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) is in discussions with the private hospital sector about using middleware designed by the…
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