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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

5 May 2015 |

Little for health IT in capital-intensive Victorian budget

The Victorian government has invested $560 million in capital and equipment in today’s state budget to build new facilities and…
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4 May 2015 |

Govt stays silent on PCEHR “rescue package” report

The federal government has refused to confirm or deny a Fairfax Media report on the weekend that it plans to…
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4 May 2015 |

HealthEngine launches practice recognition program

Online appointment bookings and directory service HealthEngine has launched a practice recognition program as well as a search engine marketing…
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3 May 2015 |

International health IT week in review: May 3

Pulse+IT’s weekly weekend round-up of international health IT and eHealth news: CAMH implements new EHR system using the ‘big bang’…
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2 May 2015 |

Australasian health week in review: May 2

Pulse+IT’s weekly round-up of Australian and New Zealand health and eHealth articles from third-party sources: Will the wearables craze be…
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1 May 2015 |

Queensland tele-chemo service expands to Thursday Island

Queensland Health has expanded its tele-chemotherapy service to Thursday Island, where nurses can administer chemotherapy to appropriate patients under the…
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30 April 2015 |

1stAvailable set to expand with buy-outs and ASX listing

Online appointments service is set to massively expand its operations through plans to acquire three other booking engines, including…
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29 April 2015 |

Snail mail still the method of choice for many GPs

A large minority of general practice staff still prefer to send medical records by post and fax despite the majority…
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28 April 2015 |

Local approach to EMRs essential for OS vendors

Australian hospitals looking to implement a full EMR from one of the commonly used international vendors should ensure that the…
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28 April 2015 |

InterSystems launches third-generation patient portal

InterSystems has launched a patient engagement platform called HealthShare Personal Community that can provide patients with an easy-to-understand, comprehensive view…
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