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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

30 June 2015 |

CSIRO connects Remote-I to satellite broadband

The CSIRO has been successful in a project testing whether it can use its Remote-I tele-ophthalmology service over satellite broadband,…
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29 June 2015 |

PeriCoach device, four-hour rule dashboard win Qld iAwards

The Queensland-developed PeriCoach device that assists women doing pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence has taken out the…
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28 June 2015 |

International health IT week in review: June 28

Pulse+IT's weekly weekend round-up of international health IT and eHealth news: Obamacare upheld by US supreme court as conservative justices…
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27 June 2015 |

Australasian health week in review: June 27

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of Australian and New Zealand health, IT and eHealth news: Turnbull's NBN gets ACCC green lightiTNews ~…
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26 June 2015 |

RCH moves to browser-based consults with WebRTC platform

Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) has moved to a WebRTC platform based on Healthdirect Australia's video call service for providing…
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26 June 2015 |

Telehealth in mainstream practice at broadband for bush forum

Telehealth's journey from trials to its use in mainstream practice today is up for discussion by a panel of experts…
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24 June 2015 |

BloodNet LIS interface sweeps ACT iAwards

The National Blood Authority’s (NBA) BloodNet laboratory information system (LIS) interface was the big winner at the ACT iAwards yesterday,…
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23 June 2015 |

Capital works the big-ticket items in NSW health budget

The NSW government has allocated a small amount of new money to eHealth capabilities in this year’s state budget, including…
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23 June 2015 |

HISA calls for board nominees, reveals state office holders

The Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) has called for nominees to fill four vacancies on its board as it…
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23 June 2015 |

NEHTA names private hospitals set to link to PCEHR

Four private hospital groups have joined the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse cancer centre as part of the National E-Health Transition Authority’s…
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