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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

29 July 2015 |

RACGP launches benzos guide, calls for real-time monitoring

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has repeated its calls for the immediate roll-out of a real-time prescription…
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29 July 2015 |

PCEHR opt-out trials set to start next April

An implementation taskforce that will organise the transition of responsibilities for eHealth and the PCEHR to a new federal agency…
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29 July 2015 |

Communicare rolls out across indigenous communities in Qld

Queensland’s Gurriny Yealamucka Health Service will roll out Telstra Health’s Communicare community health and practice management software package across seven…
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29 July 2015 |

Is it safe? Great debate on health IT safety and regulation

The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is inviting comments and votes on an online debate on whether…
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28 July 2015 |

Queensland coroner calls for real-time doctor shopping system

A Queensland coroner has echoed counterparts in Victoria and South Australia in calling for a new system to enable real-time…
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27 July 2015 |

Point-of-care testing for renal failure and chest pain

Flinders University researchers are planning to run a study in six remote health centres in the Northern Territory to determine…
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26 July 2015 |

International health IT week in review: July 26

Pulse+IT’s weekly weekend round-up of international health IT and eHealth news: With #FIXEHR, AMA fine-tunes its Meaningful Use reboot strategyFierceEMR…
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25 July 2015 |

Australasian health week in review: July 25

Pulse+IT’s weekly round-up of Australian and New Zealand health, IT and eHealth news: Hospital crisis: delays across the state, patients…
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23 July 2015 |

IT systems still causing a headache at Fiona Stanley Hospital

IT systems are still causing problems for clinicians and patients at WA’s Fiona Stanley Hospital, with the patient entertainment system,…
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23 July 2015 |

Clinical search engine for instant access to data at The San

The Sydney Adventist Hospital (The San) plans to implement a clinical text search platform developed by Health Language Analytics (HLA)…
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