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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

Alcidion set to list on the ASX following reverse takeover
18 August 2015 |

Alcidion set to list on the ASX following reverse takeover

Adelaide-based health informatics platform vendor Alcidion is set to list on the stock exchange later this year following a reverse…
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18 August 2015 |

Summit to confront challenges of health information workforce

An action plan to address shortages in the health information management workforce is the aim of a summit being organised…
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17 August 2015 |

Primary looks to MedicalDirector to create new revenue streams

Listed healthcare provider Primary Health Care is looking to increase its portfolio of multi-disciplinary medical centres in Australia as well…
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17 August 2015 |

Sky Muster NBN satellite to launch in October

The first of the new long-term satellites that will bring high-speed broadband to remote parts of Australia will launch into…
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15 August 2015 |

Australasian health week in review: August 15

Pulse+IT’s weekly round-up of Australian and New Zealand health, IT and eHealth news: NBN’s new satellites ready for takeoffThe Australian…
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14 August 2015 |

International health IT week in review: August 16

Pulse+IT’s weekly weekend round-up of international health IT and eHealth news: Use of OpenNotes increases safety, patient engagementFierceHealthIT ~ Susan…
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14 August 2015 |

Building delays compounded Lady Cilento ICT budget blow-out

Significant delays in building and commissioning Brisbane’s Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (LCCH) caused excessive workloads on ICT staff both during…
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13 August 2015 |

Telstra Health a small drop in big pond but targeted for growth

Telstra Health was highlighted as one of the company’s long-term growth businesses in Telstra’s 2015 annual report released today, which…
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12 August 2015 |

CSIRO NBN trial shows big savings with at-home monitoring

At-home monitoring of vital signs in older patients with chronic diseases can lead to significant savings over time in terms…
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12 August 2015 |

MedicalDirector adds Standard Practice widget to sidebar

Clinical and practice management software vendor MedicalDirector has added a new widget for users of the Standard Practice document management…
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