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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

23 September 2015 |

Appointuit acquired by patient flow specialist Jayex Healthcare

Appointment management and patient engagement application developer Appointuit has been acquired by the newly formed, Australian-based company Jayex Healthcare, best…
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23 September 2015 |

Text to prevent repeat heart attacks

Sydney researchers are calling for the implementation of a simple text message system to improve the health of heart attack…
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22 September 2015 |

New Royal Adelaide to go live with EPAS on day one: SA Health

South Australia's flagship new Royal Adelaide Hospital will not open next April as planned, with SA health minister Jack Snelling…
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21 September 2015 |

ePIP set to be tied to PCEHR meaningful use

The federal government plans to introduce changes to the Practice Incentives Program eHealth incentive (ePIP) from next February that are…
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20 September 2015 |

International health IT week in review: September 20

Pulse+IT’s weekly weekend round-up of international health IT and eHealth news: chief Tim Kelsey to leave NHS EnglandComputerWeekly ~…
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19 September 2015 |

Australasian health IT week in review: September 19

Pulse+IT’s weekly round-up of Australian and New Zealand health, IT and eHealth news: Australian security researcher uncovers serious iPhone flawSydney…
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18 September 2015 |

ieMR roll-out at Cairns Hospital delayed as PAH prepares to go live

The implementation of the next release of the integrated electronic medical record (ieMR) at Cairns Hospital has been delayed until…
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18 September 2015 |

Telstra Health hires NHS open data advocate Tim Kelsey

Telstra Health has appointed NHS England’s national director for patients and information Tim Kelsey as its new commercial director, based…
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18 September 2015 |

Name-changer: PCEHR amendment bill finally introduced

Federal health minister Sussan Ley has introduced a new bill to parliament that will amend the PCEHR and Healthcare Identifier…
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17 September 2015 |

Xplore Technologies releases lightweight tablet for healthcare

US-based Xplore Technologies, which in April acquired the Motion Computing line of products widely used in healthcare, has released what…
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