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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

14 October 2020 |

MMEx exchanges fully conformant eScript token for VAHS patient

A GP at the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) in Melbourne's Fitzroy has become the first to write a fully…
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14 October 2020 |

Software for Specialists first out of the blocks with My Health Record integration

Clinical software vendor Software for Specialists (S4S) has become the first to complete its integration with the My Health Record…
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13 October 2020 |

Alfred Health studying MoleMap’s AI for skin cancer assessment

Alfred Health's Victorian Melanoma Service is currently conducting a trial into the effectiveness of artificial intelligence for assessments of skin…
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12 October 2020 |

ResApp partners with Diabetes Queensland to promote SleepCheck app

ASX-listed ResApp Health has partnered with Diabetes Queensland to promote its mobile medical application SleepCheck and raise awareness of sleep…
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12 October 2020 |

Calvary and Medibank to deliver SA Health’s My Home Hospital

Healthcare provider Calvary Health Care and health insurer Medibank have been chosen to jointly deliver the South Australian Department of…
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11 October 2020 |

International health IT week in review: October 11

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending October 11: England's Excel COVID tracing bungle, Apple…
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8 October 2020 |

ADHA warns of scammers impersonating staff about health records

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) is warning consumers not to provide personal information to callers claiming to be representatives…
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8 October 2020 |

NSW Health on the market for statewide single digital patient record

eHealth NSW has gone to the market for a statewide single digital patient record (SDPR) that will bring together the…
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7 October 2020 |

Budget 2020: ADHA to develop national interoperability implementation plan

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) will develop a national health interoperability plan this financial year along with a business…
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7 October 2020 |

Budget 2020: Extra funds for ongoing telehealth, national device tracking system

The Australian government has allocated $18.6 million in addition to the $2.4 billion it has already announced for telehealth in…
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