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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

16 November 2020 |

ADHA sets out on My Health Record API gateway replacement

The Australian Digital Health Agency has issued a request for tender to replace the existing Oracle application programming interface (API)…
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16 November 2020 |

Global Health to roll out client management solution for Butterfly Foundation

ASX-listed healthcare software vendor Global Health will implement an integrated client management solution for Butterfly Residential Care's residential eating disorder…
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15 November 2020 |

International health IT week in review: November 15

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending November 15: CSIRO's Ontoserver deal with NHS, Delhi…
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12 November 2020 |

SA budget provides $196.8m for Sunrise EMR and PAS roll-out

The South Australian government has allocated $196.8 million over three years to complete the roll-out of the Sunrise electronic medical…
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11 November 2020 |

South Western Sydney, Howard Springs using armband sensor for COVID monitoring

South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) has started a trial of an AI-powered wearable device to monitor COVID+ patients…
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11 November 2020 |

CSIRO licenses out Smarter Safer Homes technology for in-home aged care

The CSIRO has signed a licensing agreement with ASX-listed aged care technology provider HSC Technology Group to integrate its Smarter…
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10 November 2020 |

Direct CONTROL adds EMR to product suite, launches into the Pacific region

Patient administration and billing solution vendor Direct CONTROL (DC) has added an electronic medical record to its product suite and…
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10 November 2020 |

InGeNA alliance launched to embed genomics in healthcare

The Australasian Digital Health Institute (AIDH) has been chosen to host a new industry alliance aimed at embedding genomics across…
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10 November 2020 |

Albury Wodonga Health to migrate multiple PAS to DXC Care Suite

Albury Wodonga Health (AWH) plans to roll out DXC's Care Suite to replace several patient administration systems in use in…
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9 November 2020 |

Cost savings not the game changer for telehealth: study

The use of video conferencing and remote patient monitoring can cut costs for patients, but this is not necessarily so…
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