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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

17 March 2021 |

Booking system for COVID vax live but not fully functional

Australia’s new national vaccination information and location service is live but is not yet fully functional, with a restricted number…
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16 March 2021 |

DoH to roll out notification system for vaccination eligibility

The Department of Health will go live in the next few weeks with a facility to allow people to register…
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16 March 2021 |

Hills launches wireless nurse call solution

Hills Health Solutions has launched a new wireless nurse call solution, aimed at facilities that need to consider costs or…
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15 March 2021 |

BetterConsult updated with pre-screening questionnaire for COVID-19 vax

Pre-consultation clinical questionnaire BetterConsult has been updated to help capture key clinical screening questions from patients prior to COVID-19 vaccination…
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15 March 2021 |

Feds extend MBS items for telehealth until June 30

The federal government has extended support for telehealth on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for a further three months. As…
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14 March 2021 |

International health IT week in review: March 14

Attend Anywhere conquers NHS, India’s digital health plan, virtual care in Malaysia, IBM blockchain for Germany’s vaccine certificates, US Covid…
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11 March 2021 |

AMA lobbying for further extension to temporary telehealth items

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) is lobbying the federal government for an extension to the temporary MBS items for telehealth…
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10 March 2021 |

“Unintended consequences” for prescribing software with move to AIP

Australia's two leading general practice clinical software vendors are reporting teething problems with the introduction of active ingredient prescribing (AIP),…
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10 March 2021 |

Apple ECG app added to register of therapeutic goods

Apple’s single-channel electrocardiogram app for the Apple Watch has been added to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), joining…
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9 March 2021 |

AusVaxSafety sending SMS surveys to monitor side effects of COVID vax

The AusVaxSafety program has begun active safety surveillance of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, using the Vaxtracker and SmartVax tools to…
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