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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

16 September 2021 |

South Australia to roll out statewide patient reported measures solution

South Australia’s Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health is on the market for a statewide patient reported measures (PRM)…
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15 September 2021 |

DOH looks for guidance on operating and funding model for electronic prescribing

The Australian Department of Health has issued a request for information (RFI) on the make up of a new operating…
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14 September 2021 |

Royal Children’s Hospital EMR roll-out shows sustained reduction in mortality

The implementation of Epic's electronic medical record at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) has been associated with a reduction in…
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14 September 2021 |

Allscripts EMR live at Flinders Medical Centre

Adelaide’s Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) has gone live in its inpatient wards and emergency department with Allscripts’ Sunrise electronic medical…
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13 September 2021 |

Wanngi rolls out health record sharing for community nurses

Health management app developer Wanngi has added a new category aimed at community nurses and allied health professionals to interact…
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13 September 2021 |

Doctor Care Anywhere buys Hobart’s GP2U Telehealth for $11 million

UK-based telehealth provider Doctor Care Anywhere has made a strategic investment in the Australian market, buying Tasmanian-headquartered virtual GP and…
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13 September 2021 |

Cash on offer for software vendors to boost vax clinic bookings on Vaccine Clinic Finder

COVID-19 Eligibility Checker portal host Healthdirect Australia has released a financial offer to the online clinical booking service providers to…
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12 September 2021 |

International health IT week in review: September 12

Will Apple succeed where Google and Microsoft failed? health tech for low-resource countries, vax passport news for Thailand, Italy, Canada…
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9 September 2021 |

DIY vaccine availability finder sites hit the spot

A Sydney geospatial engineer has set up a do it yourself search engine for people looking to find COVID-19 vaccinations…
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8 September 2021 |

ADHA live with SHA-2 readiness register

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) has gone live with its new register of healthcare software products that are ready…
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