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Aged, community and disability care

Aged, community and disability care

The latest industry news and views in the aged, community and disability care sectors.

23 January 2023 |

Regis rolling out Bestmed eNRMC meds management system to 64 facilities

ASX-listed aged care provider Regis Group is currently rolling out Bestmed’s electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) medication management system…
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23 January 2023 |

DoHAC to add more data sets as aged care star ratings system goes live

The Department of Health and Aged Care plans to add further data sets over time to its new aged care…
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18 January 2023 |

HammondCare rolling out virtual restorative care program to at home clients

An innovative virtual program trialled in rural NSW that was able to reduce the time older people living at home…
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28 November 2022 |

Register of recommended telehealth equipment for residential aged care

Primary Health Tasmania and the Victorian primary health networks are developing a register of recommended telehealth equipment for residential aged…
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28 November 2022 |

Silverchain to explore tech implementation for in-home care

Aged and community care provider Silverchain has partnered with the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) at Royal Melbourne Hospital for…
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28 November 2022 |

Bolton Clarke trials wearable device to track conversations and loneliness

Aged care provider Bolton Clarke and RMIT are running a trial of the 3D-printed wearable CaT (Conversation as Therapy) pin…
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16 November 2022 |

Hayylo integrates with Umps for Support At Home program

Aged care technology vendors Hayylo and Umps have announced a partnership to integrate their technologies for the new Support at…
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14 November 2022 |

Medi-Map achieves eNRMC conformance with Tasmania for aged care facilities

Medication management solution Medi-Map can now be used as an ePrescribing platform for Tasmanian aged care facilities after it achieved…
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7 November 2022 |

PainChek pain app integrates with EMRs through InterSystems’ IRIS for Health

Australian developed mobile pain assessment app PainChek has entered the electronic medical record market through an integration using InterSystems’ IRIS…
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2 November 2022 |

Digital health capability audits for residential aged care facilities

The Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) is inviting experienced digital health contractors to help assist residential aged care facilities…
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