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The 2018 eHealth year in review: part three

20 December 2018
 | 1 comment
By Kate McDonald

The second half of the 2018 year in eHealth got off to an absolute shocker, with bad press following social media uproar over the opt-out period for the My Health Record. ADHA's phone lines were busy in the first few days as expected, but things just continued to get worse as misinformation about the My Health Record legislation and who would have access to the system began to circulate.

Back in May, ADHA CEO Tim Kelsey had told the National Press Club that a comprehensive communications campaign was being prepared to inform the public about the system and how they could opt out if they wanted to, but few saw any sign of this as the three-month opt-out period began. It was left to the mass media to explain the initiative and apart from some notable exceptions at the ABC, that did not go well.

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