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Telehealth in mainstream practice at broadband for bush forum

26 June 2015
By Kate McDonald

Telehealth's journey from trials to its use in mainstream practice today is up for discussion by a panel of experts at the upcoming Broadband for the Bush forum, being held in Darwin next month.

The panel is one of a number looking at how to unlock the digital potential of the bush at the forum, the fourth organised by the Broadband for the Bush Alliance.

The organisers say the forum will seek to explore and find practical outcomes that promote digital inclusion, using both fixed and mobile technologies, and explore better and innovative infrastructure in the bush.

Panellists include the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory's (AMSANT) eHealth project manager Greg Henschke, head physician at Katherine Hospital Simon Quilty, the University of Queensland telehealth technology director Liam Caffery, and Medicare Local NT clinical and public health advisor Bernie Westley.

The forum is being held in Darwin from July 15 to 16.

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