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No letters to dead people: Kelsey outlines MyHR publicity strategy in NPC address

24 May 2018
 | 1 comment
By Kate McDonald

Letters will not be sent to all households and there won't be paid ads on national TV, but the Australian Digital Health Agency is implementing a comprehensive communication strategy to inform the Australian public about the My Health Record system and how to opt out of it, ADHA CEO Tim Kelsey said.

In an address to the National Press Club in Canberra today, Mr Kelsey said the agency was working with many partner organisations across the community to ensure that all Australians are aware of their rights to opt out of the My Health Record, but the lessons from the 2016 opt-out trials showed that sending a letter to households was not adequate.

An agency spokesperson told Pulse+IT that the campaign will include paid ads on local radio, in cinemas and print media as well as some specialist TV stations, along with social media and targeted campaigns aimed at different community groups. There is also a comprehensive campaign aimed at healthcare providers currently underway.

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