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MMEx wins regional eHealth solution contract for FNQ

25 July 2017
By Kate McDonald

WA-based ISA Healthcare Solutions is in the middle of an implementation planning study (IPS) to prepare for the roll-out of its MMEx web-based clinical information system for the much-anticipated Regional eHealth Project for rural and remote communities in far north Queensland.

The project will see an integrated point-of-care clinical record rolled out covering primary, community and some acute care settings in the region as part of an overall $35 million project, a joint eHealth initiative between the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (HHS) and Torres and Cape HHS.

It will be integrated with existing Queensland Health administrative and clinical systems such as Active Directory, the pathology system Auslab and The Viewer, with plans for an interface between MMEx and the state's Cerner-based ieMR, along with the national My Health Record.

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