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International health IT week in review: May 10

10 May 2020
By Kate McDonald

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending May 10: Telehealth take-up, Canada invests in virtual health, NHS tracing app, Fitbit for aFib, patient matching problems, Apple heart study, FHIR boosts search in EMRs, spooks given access to NHS IT, contact tracing app analysis

Survey: More than 90% of physicians are treating patients remotely
MedCity News ~ Elise Reuter ~ 01/05/2020

Nearly half of physicians said they used telemedicine for the first time for a physical consultation.

Canada invests in virtual care, mental health tools
Canadian Healthcare Technology ~ Staff writer ~ 06/05/2020

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an investment of $240.5 million to develop, expand, and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians.

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