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International health IT week in review: March 19

19 March 2017

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT and eHealth news for the week ending March 19:

3 ways Trump’s FDA nominee could reshape digital health
FierceHealthcare ~ Evan Sweeney ~ 16/03/2017

President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Food and Drug Administration is a strong proponent of deregulating the drug industry, an approach that could be equally beneficial for the digital health industry that has occasionally butted heads with the federal agency.

Trump ‘America First’ budget plan calls for $15.1B cut to HHS
Health Data Management ~ Greg Slabodkin ~ 16/03/2017

The Department of Health and Human Services would suffer a $15.1 billion reduction in its Fiscal Year 2018 budget, and the National Institutes of Health would see its budget cut by $5.8 billion, according to a just-released plan from the Trump Administration.

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