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International health IT week in review: April 18

18 April 2021
By Kate McDonald

Google trying again with PHRs? evidence for AI tools, Denmark’s coronapas, Malaysia’s Immunitee, US VA EHR, Facebook’s vaccine finder, Microsoft/AXA digital health platform, eReferral app cuts DNAs, Dedalus and the NHS, SMART health cards for vax credentials, COVID-detecting mobile phone sensors

Google is exploring a health record tool for patients
STAT ~ Erin Brodwin ~ 09/04/2021

After 13 years, Google is coming back for patient health records. The tech giant has launched an early user feedback program aimed at exploring how patients might want to see, organize, and share their own medical record data.

FDA-cleared AI devices lack critical information on performance, equity
MedCity News ~ Elise Reuter ~ 13/04/2021

In a review of 130 FDA-cleared AI tools, researchers found that the vast majority of them relied on retrospective studies.

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