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CSIRO connects Remote-I to satellite broadband

30 June 2015
 | 1 comment
By Kate McDonald

The CSIRO has been successful in a project testing whether it can use its Remote-I tele-ophthalmology service over satellite broadband, screening over 1000 patients in remote areas for conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

It has also licensed the technology to US firm TeleMedC, which plans to integrate it into its EyeScan diagnostic solution, which is currently being used by NASA at the International Space Station for the assessment of intracranial pressure in astronauts.

The award-winning Remote-I, which has been developed over the years by a team from CSIRO's Australian E-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) led by Yogi Kanagasingam, has been used since 2011 to deliver early screening to patients living and working in remote areas of Western Australia such as mines and indigenous communities.

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