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2016 eHealth year in review: part two

13 December 2016
By Kate McDonald

The second quarter of the eHealth year was a big one, involving a vanilla federal budget for healthcare that was left in the freezer for too long, a dash of openness from the new Australian Digital Health Agency, a dollop of moolah through some biggish tenders for new jurisdictional clinical system implementations, and a great big Flake on top as general and specialist medical practice software vendors heralded the next steps in the cloud.

In between times, dead people were offered a My Health Record, the draft national digital health strategy peaked a little early, and some pretty cool stuff happened in telehealth. Telstra Health would beam with joy as it snaffled the National Cancer Screening Register contract and then plunge into despair as the general public cottoned on, and the My Health Record system hit four million registrations as NEHTA finally departed the scene, mourned by few.

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