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2016 eHealth year in review: part one

12 December 2016
 | 1 comment
By Kate McDonald

2016 was the year in which the term eHealth was shown the door and everything turned bright and shiny and 'digital', when the laser light on state health IT roll-outs swapped from WA to SA and then up to the NT, when PCEHR became MyHR, NEHTA became ADHA and acronym lovers could find many fertile fields.

While we are yet to find an adequate description for the difference between eHealth and digital health, the federal government geared up for a digital election year by spruiking newly installed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's favourite innovative digital shiny toy (or shiny digital innovative toy), also known as the Digital Transformation Office (DTO).

This gang of Agile scrummagers, alphas and betas was quickly rechristened the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) and it somehow managed to lose its inaugural CEO by November, but back in January, it all sounded super exciting.

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