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Medi-Map achieves eNRMC conformance with Tasmania for aged care facilities

14 November 2022
By Kate McDonald
Image: iStock

Medication management solution Medi-Map can now be used as an ePrescribing platform for Tasmanian aged care facilities after it achieved approval for its transitional Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) with the Tasmanian Department of Health for use in aged care facilities.

Medi-Map is also working with WA Health to facilitate its approval for the conformant eNRMC system.

Approval means all residential aged care services, prescribers and pharmacies in Tasmania can now use Medi-Map for PBS medication chart prescribing, dispensing and administration and a paper copy of the prescription is not required.

As an approved eNRMC medication management solution, aged care providers using Medi- Map can access a federal government grant to help with costs related to software, hardware, and training.

There are set to be three rounds of funding between July this year and December 2024, related to the adoption of the transitional or conformant eNRMC products in residential aged care services. The deadline for the first round is March 30, 2023.

The national residential medication chart was first developed in 2014 as a paper chart that includes each resident’s details, including their photograph and known adverse drug reactions, to enable correct identification when prescribing, supplying and administering medicines.

Electronic versions have been developed by prescribing and dispensing software vendors in association with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA), using agreed conformance profiles.

eNRMC encompasses Schedule 4, Schedule 8, and Authority-streamline and written approved medications that are prescribed within PBS regulations and respective state and territory legislation.

Medi-Map CEO Greg Garratt said the ability for Medi-Map to deliver eNRMC to clients will help streamline the doctor’s workflow while ensuring there is a valid script for a pharmacy to supply and dispense.

“This is a real game changer,” Mr Garratt said. “Medi-Map helps improve the supply chain process and ensures timely access to medications for residents living in aged care facilities.”

The federal government has allocated $16.5 million to the eNRMC initiative in aged care.

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