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The 2019 New Zealand eHealth hot top 20

16 December 2019
By Kate McDonald

Unlike last year in which the trials and tribulations of Orion Health dominated headlines, this year the big stories focused on the policies being developed by the new data and digital division at the Ministry of Health, including the decision not to proceed with a single electronic health record and instead boost integration capability.

The troubled National Oracle Solution (NOS) was again in the headlines, as were the various exercises by the primary health organisations to choose preferred PMS vendors. Auckland's ProCare decided to favour Valentia Technologies' indici, but Christchurch's Pegasus stumbled with its Sirius program, which was envisaged as a new PMS built on Intrahealth's Profile platform but is now going nowhere.

The year in eHealth was blighted by the cyber attack on Tu Ora Compass Health PHO but there was progress with a number of technology roll-outs, including Zoom at Whangarei, Emergency Q at Waikato, Miya at MidCentral and a GP dashboard for the South Island.

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