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International health IT week in review: October 6

6 October 2019
By Kate McDonald

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending October 6: Deadline looms for fax axe, poor data for AI diagnoses, US VA rejects Cerner's dental partner, London ambos access SCR, digital overhaul for NHS Wales, Meditech in public cloud, slow interop in England, clinic fined for Yelp response, FDA guidance on medical device security, NIST guidance on PACS security, digital bedside sitters

Trusts set to miss Axe the Fax deadline due to ‘concerning lack of progress’
Digital Health News ~ Owen Hughes ~ 30/09/2019

The report reveals that the trusts with the most fax machines have collectively axed just 42% over the past twelve months, with less than six months to go until the ‘axe the fax’ deadline.

‘Less than one percent’ of diagnostic AI studies based on high-quality data
Digital Health News ~ Owen Hughes ~ 01/10/2019

Less than one percent of available studies on the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in detecting diseases is supported by high-quality data, according to new research.

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